Season 1: The Whores
Season 2: The Women’s War
A glimpse into the fate of Estonia during the world-shattering years of the World War II (1939 – 1944), as told through the eyes of the people working at and frequenting a small elite brothel in Tallinn.
Worthy of cult following!
Nick Clement, The Variety Magazine
The Whores, AKA Madame K, has found international distribution and was followed in 2021 by The Woman’s War, continuation of the saga. Based on a bestselling book and considered by many to be the most successful Estonian produced television series of all time, The Whores (aka Litsid), is a 10-part, historically-rooted, romantic war drama which takes place in Estonia during the tumultuous year of 1939, with WWII ramping up in the background. Emotions are running high and uncertainty – in all forms – can be felt in the air. The action centers on the owner and employees at a high-end brothel in Tallinn, catering to various military men of varying ranks, while trying to navigate the tricky political waters of living in a small country that’s essentially caught in the middle of something much larger and more profound. The entrepreneurial Madame Kukk, played by the absolutely phenomenal Merle Palmiste who completely dominates every single moment she’s on-screen, is caught between having to maintain her business, and also the demands of all of the women who work at her establishment.
Best Estonian TV series of the year (Estonian Film and Television Awards 2019)
Best Actress in a TV drama – Merle Palmiste (Kroonika Entertainment awards, 2019)